Dr. Howe


Dr. Emily Howe originally studied special education at the University of Kansas with a distant dream of becoming a veterinarian. Just after she graduated and began teaching, her beloved dog Zoey badly fractured her leg, requiring extensive surgery and rehabilitation. With encouragement from Zoey’s surgeon, she got a job at a local vet and worked there for a year before returning to Oklahoma State University for vet school. She graduated in 2001 and relocated to Seattle to be near her sister. She worked as an associate vet in the Seattle area for six years before purchasing Ballard Animal Hospital in the summer of 2007. Dr. Howe’s special areas of interest are internal medicine, with an emphasis on geriatric medicine.

"I like internal medicine because it is usually a complicated puzzle that requires a lot of thinking to figure out and geriatrics in particular just because I love old animals. I also think that I love geriatrics because so many people give up on these animals and have the mentality that old age equals disease, and I don’t. Helping them live pain free (or as close as we can get), quality lives is just very rewarding for me."

Dr. Howe has two kids, two energetic, intense, maybe even a little bit crazy Boston Terrier/Border Collie pups from the same litter and the best, most epic, Black Domestic Shorthair cat ever to have lived on planet earth!